Episode 474 – Alan Higbie – K0AV


Alan Higbie, K0AV, is a ham over sixty years, with an interest in CW, contesting, working DX, and working 2BSIQ mode.  Alan has developed special expertise in finding RF noise sources around his QTH using a portable SDR receiver, and as a trial lawyer, he has had the opportunity to live in unusual places that lead to unusual ham radio operating events.  K0AV is my QSO Today.


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Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Other Hometowns:
San Mateo, CA

Colorado Springs, CO

First Receiver:
Hallicrafters S38E 

Gordon Foot, W8YKO

First License:
KN8SQN/6, Age 13, 1960, Novice

WA6EMK General

Alan’s Alaska callsign:

Novice Rig:
Hallicrafters HT17 Transmitter
Hallicrafters SX-28 Receiver

Current Rig:
2 X Elecraft K3 HF Transceivers
2 X Elecraft P3 Pan Adapters
Elecraft KPA1500 Amplifier
3 element Stepper Beam Antenna
40 meter 2 element Beam Antenna

Favorite Mode: CW

Zenith Transoceanic Radio
William Rand W1DBM – Great Uncle
A Shack on Wheels, By Philip S. Rand, W1DBM, QST Magazine, July 1933
George Grammer – W1DF,  wrote the ARRL Handbook
100th Edition ARRL Handbook
Ward Silver, N0AX
Dayton Hamvention
Heathkit HW-29 “Sixer
6 Meter Halo Mobile Antenna
University of California, Berkeley
University of San Francisco Law School
Perry Mason, TV Law
Criminal Law
RFI Reflector
Flag Antenna
Don Kirk WD8DSB – makes cookies for offenders
SDRconsole software
K0RF Contest Station
Iditarod Sled Dog Race
Kenwood TS-830 Transceiver
Army Field Security Agency
Checkpoint Charlie
D07 Amateur Radio Club
Stasi Museum
Warsaw Pact invasion.  
2BSIQ Simulator 
DX Log Software
SO2R – Single Operator 2 Radio
Searching and Pouncing
3B8 Mauritius DXpedition
Collins S Line
Deep Space Exploration Society K0PRT
Front Range 6 Meter Group 

Advice to new or returning hams:  (received by email) Set a goal — that’s beyond your current capabilities — and upgrade yourself as you move toward the goal.

Perfect example is N1AV (from Arizona) who set the goal of working all US grid squares on 6 meters (a.k.a. The Fred Fish award?). To do that he incrementally upgraded his skills, his station, and the way he approached the challenge.  He problem-solved with the help of others and achieved the award.

What makes his story most compelling is that he kept track of his improvements in knowledge and station capabilities along the way. 
He recently recounted his step-by-step journey to the Front Range 6 Meter Group (recorded on Zoom). Posted on YouTube: https://youtu.be/9yYYCeQNtr8?si=QuRvFenF5FEhGFoW

A new or returning ham can have a different goal – but the excitement and  satisfaction from sharing, collaborating, learning along the way will be the same. 

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K0AV Ham Shack

DO7 Field Day, 1969, on East German Border

KN8SQN Novice Station, 1960

AL7H Field Shack 1979 Iditarod Race Alaska

AL7H, Pilot,  and 1946 Stinson Aircraft

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