Episode 422 – Murray Greenman – ZL1BPU (SK)


Murray Greenman, ZL1BPU, now a silent key, was my guest in Episode 71 more than 5 years ago.  Murray was famous in amateur circles for the development of many popular digital modes.  I spoke to Murray over Skype from his home in New Zealand.  The body of Murray’s work, spanning over 20 years, includes a book, Digital Modes For All Occasions, and on-line content that is very detailed and complete.  Murray passed away in April 2022.  May his memory be for a blessing.


Our Listener Sponsors

This list is the total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014.  Only those who agreed to be publicly recognized are on the list below.  This list does not include “Buy Me A Coffee” donations.


Murray passed away in April 2022.  I was contacted by his nephew, Ashley Kirk, who sent me thislink to the video of his funeral service.  His memorial service is a real tribute to Murray, and a wonderful way to remember him. 

Auckland Grammer, Club Station ZL1AGT

First interest: 1962, Age 16  

Mentors (Elmers): Bill Powers, ZL1FI – club trustee

Friend and Mentor: Gary Bold, ZL1AM

First License:  ZL1TCL, Grade 3 (VHF Only), Age 20

Upgrade: 1983, Grade 1, similar to the American Extra Class

First Rig: Plessey converted AM taxi radio to two meters

Current Rigs:

Murray’s Receiver Collection

Murray’s Web Site

​New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters

Favorite Operating Mode: FSQ, close second is Hellschreiber

Nino Porcino,  IZ8BLY – wrote first MFSK software with Murray

Con Wassilieff, ZL2AFP – wrote the code for most of the modes. A collaboration between he and Murray.  

Piccalo Mode

MFSK – Multi Frequency Shift Keying
MFSK is ideal for “long path DX” – has to be sensitive, doppler shift

Long Path Propagation

Advice: Use a mode that is appropriate for the conditions.  FSQ is best for 40 and 80 meters.

Used Rigs for Digital Modes:
Kenwood TS-120 and TS-130

Advice: Ask the younger hams about the digital modes

Advice for QRP operators:  FSQ on 40 and 80 meters

Digital Modes for All Occasions, ISBN 1 872309 82 8,  By Murray Greenman, Amazon may not have this book, but it is available from the Radio Society of Great Britan bookstore.  Amazon Link

ZL1BY on the Ionosphere

Pathsim AE4JY  Simulator Software  

Software Defined Radio (SDR) will spur the development of new digital modes

MEPT – Manned Experimental Propagation Transmitter

QRSS3 on Argo Software

Rubidium 10 MHz Frequency Standard on Ebay
GPS 10 MHz Frequency Standard on Ebay

Music Links: 

Advice to new and returning hams: 

  • Get on the air
  • Join the radio club
  • Talk to younger club members about digital modes

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Icom IC-7100 HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver

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