Xiegu X6100 | My First Look and Working FT8 with WSJT-x Xiegu X6100 “I’ve got the new X6100 QRP Radio from Xiegu, which has a built-in sound card and is...
Working with the Xiegu X6100 [ Videos ] Xiegu X6100 2e0bvj working special event station TM60ANT in France on 20 metres with the Xiegu X6100. 10 watts...
Xiegu X6100 HF – First Look and Review Xiegu X6100 “We are looking at the *first* production X6100 radio from Xiegu and Radioddity. This radio covers 120...
Xiegu X6100 HF/50MHz Portable SDR Transceiver Xiegu X6100 is a revolutionary self-contained 10 watt HF and 6m SDR transceiver with a large color display, automatic antenna tuner and a built-in high capacity battery. Xiegu X6100...
XIEGU X6100 HF TRANSCEIVER | FULL MODE | SDR RADIO X6100 is an ultra-portable shortwave transceiver. It adopts the SDR software radio platform architecture of excellent performance, which carries...