The Most Hackable Handheld Ham Radio Yet All right, confession time. I don’t use my handheld ham radio for much more than eavesdropping on…
via HACKADAY: Open HT Surgery Gives Cheap Transceiver All-Band Capabilities Watch out, Baofeng; there’s a new kid on the cheap handy talkie market, and judging…
via HACKADAY: Breadboard SDR Doesn’t Need Much built a simple Tayloe mixer and detector on a breadboard. He decided to…
via HACKADAY: The Hunt For Alien Radio Signals Began Sooner Than You Think Every 26 months, Earth and Mars come tantalizingly close by virtue of their relative orbits….
via HACKADAY: RNODE: A Portable Unrestricted Digital Radio RNode is an open source, unrestricted digital radio transceiver based on — but not limited to…
via HACKADAY: The Lunar Odyssey: Moon Landings From the 1960s to Today’s Attempts With the recent string of lunar landing attempts, it’s interesting to consider how much things…
via HACKADAY: The Long Strange Trip to US Color TV We are always fascinated when someone can take something and extend it in a clever…
via HACKADAY: Creating a Numbers Station Of Your Very Own Numbers stations are a weird phenomenon where odd voices read out long strings of numbers…
via HACKADAY: The Perils of Return Path Gaps The radio frequency world is full of mysteries, some of which seem to take a…
via HACKADAY: Arduino Turned Into Something Kinda Like A Pager Video may have killed the radio star, but cell phones and smart phones all but…