via HACKADAY: Pager Lives Again Thanks to Python And Mastodon Pagers were a big deal for a while there, even if they never quite made…
via HACKADAY: Building Your Own 4G LTE Base Station We’ve seen quite a few DIY 2G networks over the years, but the 4G field…
via HACKADAY: Wireless All the Things! Neither Tom Nardi nor I are exactly young anymore, and we can both remember a time when…
via HACKADAY: Pi Pico Enhances RadioShack Computer Kit While most of us now remember Radio Shack as a store that tried to force…
via HACKADAY: No Inductors Needed for This Simple, Clean Twin-Tee Oscillator If there’s one thing that amateur radio operators are passionate about, it’s the search for…
via HACKADAY: Tandy Pocket Computer Assembly is… Weird Radio Shack had a long history of buying things overseas, having their name slapped on…
via HACKADAY: Parts We Miss: The Mains Transformer About two decades ago there was a quiet revolution in electronics which went unnoticed by…
via HACKADAY: Analog Engineer’s Pocket Reference Needs a Big Pocket We always admire when companies produce useful tools or documentation that aren’t specific to their…
via HACKADAY: They Want To Put A Telescope In A Crater On The Moon When we first developed telescopes, we started using them on the ground. Humanity was yet…
via HACKADAY: Satellite Provides Detailed Data on Antarctic Ice Ever since the first satellites started imaging the Earth, scientists have been using the data…