via HACKADAY: The Perils of Return Path Gaps The radio frequency world is full of mysteries, some of which seem to take a…
via HACKADAY: Arduino Turned Into Something Kinda Like A Pager Video may have killed the radio star, but cell phones and smart phones all but…
via HACKADAY: CATS: A New Communication and Telemetry System CATS is a new communication and telemetry standard intended to surpass the current Automatic Packet Reporting…
via HACKADAY: A Look Inside a 70-GHz Electromechanical Attenuator It might not count as “DC to daylight,” but an electromechanical attenuator that covers up…
via HACKADAY: Stressless Shortwave Reviewed picked up a shortwave receiver known as the “stressless” receiver kit. We aren’t sure…
via HACKADAY: Custom Library Rescues Good LoRa Hardware from Bad Firmware The range of hardware that comes on some dev boards these days is truly staggering….
via HACKADAY: Making a Crystodyne Radio With Zinc Oxide and Cat’s Whiskers During the first half of the 20th century radio technology was booming, albeit restricted by…
via HACKADAY: Inside America’s Last Morse Code Station The Titanic famously (or infamously) used Morse code to call out in distress at the…
via HACKADAY: Retro Gadgets: Pay TV in the 1960s These days, paying for TV programming is a fact of life. You pay your cable…
via HACKADAY: GPS Antenna Mods Make Starlink Terminal Immune To Jammers The Starlink receivers need positioning and precise timing information to function, and currently the best…