Do I need to Aim a Dipole? Danny, K5STY, wants to know if he should aim his dipole in a particular direction for the best signal...
Keep Antennas in the Clea Dan Evander, KJ7YBK, lives in a duplex condo and wants to set up a dipole on his roof, but...
Ionopheric Propagation of Dipoles Edwin Anderson, asks what is the proper orientation and angle for a dipole if he plans to use it...
Receive Antennas, Contest University and Field Day Contest University, Clubs, Field Day the DX Engineering catalog and receive antennas on this weeks episode of Tuesdays with...
AlexLoop HamPack This is the AlexLoop HamPack system – the ultimate solution for the hampacker and the antenna restricted Ham. Antenna...
Wimo X-Quad Antenna for 144 MHz 18010 The X-Quad antenna is a refinement of the well-known multi-element quads. Its special features, especially developed for amateur radio,...
First Antenna Questions Laurent Egli, soon to be HB9***, has some questions about what antenna would be a good first antenna for...
Tri-band 6 element HF Upper Bands and CB Radio Yagi Antenna 3B-222 HF 3-Band antenna 3B-222 for 20m, 15m and 10m that covers also 11m CB through the power of full...
Chameleon CHA-RXL Stealth Receive Loop Antenna Chameleon is releasing a new receive only loop, the CHA-RXL. Lets get it on the roof, test it out...
Antennas Vs Trees Jeff, KD8KPT, asks about the logistics of putting antennas up in his trees. Antenna The X7 Triband Yagi –...