Each week so much compelling content is considered for Amateur Radio Weekly but there’s always a handful of great links that just can’t fit. These are the links that didn’t make it into issue 365 of Amateur Radio Weekly.
A Top Loaded End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna for 20m
Imagine this: a short, vertical antenna for 20m that requires no ground, no counterpoise or radials… And… no tuner.
Ham Radio Outside the Box -
FCC Targets AM Pirate Signal in Boston
Property home to Radio Energy Boston’s 1620 AM receives notice.
RadioWorld -
Vanishing Culture: Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications
Amateur Radio has been a hobby for well over 100 years. For as long as there has been an understanding of electricity and radio waves, people have been experimenting with these technologies and advancing the state of the art.
Internet Archive Blogs -
A Subtle Shift in My Field Gear: Rethinking the external ATU
This past week, I’ve been revisiting my shack, paring down, and reorganizing. By that, I mean separating the wheat from the chaff and reevaluating my grab-and-go radios and accessories.
QRPer -
Carnarvon’s Decommissioned NASA Satellite Dish Back In Service After 40 Years
Recently the 29.8 meter parabolic antenna at the Australian OTC (overseas telecommunications commission) station came back to life again after nearly forty years spent in decommissioning limbo.
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Source: Amateur Radio Weekly