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Ameritron AL-80B

It comes with two options: a QSK board for excellent CW handling and a grid protection overload board.

The included optional QSK board sells for $525 US and allows FULL quiet CW QSK operation.

The included Grid protection board is a $100 US option and helps protect the tubes

Pickup in Ottawa.

Up to a full kilowatt output from a whisper-quiet desktop linear.

It is a compact 8.5″ x 15.5″ x 14.5″ and plugs into a 120VAC outlet.

Covers all bands 160-15 meters, including WARC and MARS. Up to 1000 watts OUTPUT on SSB, 800 watts OUTPUT on CW, 500 watts output on RTTY, an extra heavy-duty power supply, 3-500ZG tube, nearly 70% efficiency, tuned input,

Pi/Pi-L output, inrush current protection, multi-voltage transformer, dual Cross-Needle meters, QSK compatibility.

This is an excellent affordable amplifier

The post Ameritron AL-80B first appeared on Hamshack.

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