– RF News & Info


Episode 504 – Ian Kahn – NV4C

Ian Kahn, NV4C, with the encouragement of his father in law joined the amateur radio ranks in his mid-thirties.  He hit the ground running, operating on his local club’s repeater and involving himself in the North Fulton Amateur Radio League to aid its resurgence the the introduction of new programs attracting new and old hams.  NV4C discusses his ham radio journey, his operating passions, and what excites him about our hobby in this QSO Today.


The total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014 are listed below, and only those who agreed to be publicly recognized. This list does not include “Buy Me A Coffee” donations.
New Sponsors and Donations Last 30 Days
Total Sponsorships, Donations, and Transcriptions since July 2014

N8CIA Ham Search – find licensed hams by city, state. 

First Computer:  Apple 2E knock off, 

Steve Knittel AB4TT – Father In Law

First License: April 2007, Technician, General

First Rig: Icom IC-2AT Portable

Current Rig: 
Elecraft K3 HF Transceiver
Elecraft P3 Pan Adaptor
Elecraft KPA500 Amplifier 
Elecraft KAT500 Antenna tuner 
5 band HexBeam Mike Traffie
3 Element 6 Meter Beam
G5RV Wire Antenna
Yaesu FT-8800R Mobile
Yaesu FT-857D All Band Transceiver

Favorite Contest: Georgia QSO Party

Bar Mitzvah
Steve Reichlyn AA4V
Computer Camp
University of Georgia, Education 
University of South Carolina, BSCS
OS2 Operating System
Anderson Consulting
Excenture Business Solutions
Gordon West Technician Manual
Georgia Tech
Allstar Link
North Fulton Amateur Radio League
ARRL Section Manager
Susan Swiderski AF4FO advice: To grow your ham radio club, “Don’t hold your meetings at your dining place”
DXpedition – Scarborough Reef
Volunteer Examiner Team – VE
ARRL VE Session Calendar
POTA – Parks on the Air
SOTA – Summits on the Air
Appalachian Trail
US Islands on the Air
Lake Lanier Island, Atlanta
ARRL Field Day
Radio Merit Badge Workshop
Groups Forum NFARL
ARRIS Project
Scouts of America
Boy Scout Radio Merit Badge
Jim Stafford W4QO (SK) 
FT8 Digital Mode
SSB Contesting
Long Island CW Club
North American QSO Party
DXCC Mix-mode
Southeastern DX Club

Excited most by: Amateur radio tent keeps getting bigger. More things to do.  

Advice to new or returning hams: Try everything that you can possibly try. Find your interest and get involved and join a club.​

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NV4C Operating with his Son
NV4C Ham Shack
Yaesu FT-8800 VHF/UHF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-857 All Band Transceiver
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