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Icom IC-746PRO with PS-125 Power Supply, hand mic, extra IF filters

This rig covers 160 through 2 metres on all modes with 100 watts output.  The rig comes equipped with the matching PS125 power supply, an Icom hand mic with touch-tone keypad.  The rig includes accessory IF filters: 250 Hz, 500 Hz and 1.8 KHz in addition to the stock 2.4 and 2.8 kHz filters.  

Serial Numbers: IC746PRO – 0208500;  PS125 – 0211529

I have tested the transceiver and verified the output at 100 watts in SSB and CW.  

There are a few exterior scratches on the transceiver and the power supply.  

This is from the estate of Frances VE3HKG and George VE3BNO of Ottawa. 

The post Icom IC-746PRO with PS-125 Power Supply, hand mic, extra IF filters first appeared on Hamshack.

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