LDG DTS-6 6-position antenna switch

this being sold for VE1CR Sydney AMATEUR Radio CLUB



The LDG DTS-6lets you instantly switch your radio between 4 antennas with the press of a button. A bright red LED shows the antenna in use. All five coax sockets (4 inputs and one output) are lined up across the back of the switch, so all the coax can run straight back. This means the DTS-4 will fit in just about anywhere on your operating desk. A bright red LED indicates the antenna in use. At a touch of the control buttons, all inputs are grounded, helping to protect your radio.

Remember that lightning storm? The DTS-4 can sense when your transceiver is turned off, and automatically ground all antenna inputs! You simply run a line from a DC-out port on your transceiver (most modern rigs have at least one) to the DTS-4 and set it to Radio Sense mode with a simple button-press. From then on you’re protected; when you turn your rig off everything is automatically grounded. When you power back up, the DTS-4 automatically resets to the antenna you were last using. Use your radio’s auto power off feature and it will even protect you if you forget!

The DTS-4 handles up to 1500 watts of RF power on HF (250 watts on 6 M), and can be used with any coax-fed antenna. The Radio Sense feature needs at least 2 volts from your rig, at 1 mA current. The DTS-4 features Teflon SO-239 connectors on the DTS-4 rear panel, and requires an external 12 VDC power supply at 500 ma (not supplied). If the external power supply fails, all inputs are grounded, so it’s fail-safe. Switching is done by rugged, sealed industrial relays. 4.5 x 5 x 3 inches. 1 lb.

The post LDG DTS-6 6-position antenna switch first appeared on Hamshack.


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