YAESU FT 897D for sale. This is the D variant with TCXO installed and ability to transmit on 6 m Band in addition to its classic non-D version.
This is the classic “Shack-in-a-box” that Transmits on All band (10-160 m + WARC and 60 m / 6 m / 2 m / 70 cm) and All Mode (AM / SSB / CW / FM); Additionaly this receives Air band and Commercial FM radio as well.
More feature can be seen at
Since I don’t use HF band that frequently, I decided to sale this rig as I no longer needs it.
This rig was acquired from another local ham, with previous owner demostrated all functionality of the Rig, and it is fully operational.
The VHF outputs 40 W, and UHF puts out 16 Watt; which is at 80% of rated power. Don’t have testing equipment to Test HF band, however previous owner has demostrated and it is operational.
Comes with CAT control Cable, Fused Power cable, MH-31 Dynamic Mic, and the main Unit, with 1 UHF-BNC adapter.
Will come with an additional anolog meter display that is modified to work with FT897D that displays extra information (SWR, MOD, PWR etc), which can be selected in the internal manual.
Price is $700 Negotiable.
QTH Ottawa(Centertown), ON. Pickup preferred with a discount of $30 (makes it $670) But I can deliver anywhere between South of WakeField(QC), East of Arnprior, North Of Kemptville and West of Clarance-Rockland, or roughly within 50 KM Radius from centertown, Ottawa.
Shipping cost extra, buyer pays shipping, and within CANADA only. Item will be shipped via canada post, with tracking number included. Item will only ship after the payment is received. Please provide your postal code (approx) for a quote on shipping
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re interested; price is negotiable.
Newly licensed HAM (for those who’re licensed in 2023 & 2024; will need your Cert number as a proof) gets a special price at $600; with same discount if you chose pick up.
The post FT-897D for Sale first appeared on Hamshack.