Episode 486 – Lanny Aldrich – K1LEC


Lanny Aldrich, K1LEC, began his professional career as a third generation commercial dairy farmer in Vermont.  Amateur radio was his hobby that he pursued at a steady pace to pursue DX, build operating skills, and contribute to the hobby by just being involved.  Just his advice on antennas is a prize from our conversation.  K1LEC is my QSO Today.



The total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014 are listed below, and only those who agreed to be publicly recognized. This list does not include “Buy Me A Coffee” donations.
New Sponsors and Donations Last 30 Days
Total Sponsorships, Donations, and Transcriptions since July 2014


Hometown: Springfield, VT
QTH: Searcy, AK

First License: 1959, Age 14, Novice, KN1LEC
General Class Upgrade 1960

Harold Thompson, W1UWS
Ed Merreck, W1TIM

First Rig: 
Hallicrafters S20B Receiver
ARC 5 40 Meter and 80 Meter
80 meter dipole, 40 meter folded dipole
4:1 Air Coil Balun
15 meter 6 AG7 Handbook Transmitter
SCR 522 2 Meter AM
Heathkit Lunchbox HW-30

Heathkit Station
Heathkit SB- Line Transceiver
Heathkit SB-200 Linear Amplifier

Current Rigs: 
Yaesu FT-DX101MP HF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-710 HF Transceiver
Yaesu FTDX-10 Transceiver

Favorite Operating Mode: SSB

Civil Air Patrol Cadet
Piper J-3 Cub
North Springs Hardness Airport, Vermont
2 Meter AM
Gonset Communicator “Goony Bird”
Tuning Eye or Magic Eye Tube
Gonset Communicator AM 6 Meters
Boston FCC Office
QCWA – Quarter Century Wireless Association
Heathkit DX100B Transmitter
Hallicrafters SX101 Mark 3
Bob Vinikor, W3CFE
Ag Economics
University of Vermont, Animal and Dairy Science
Glass Bottle Milk Delivery History USA
WW2 D-Day
Dairy Manure Extraction Floor
Circular Milking Operation
Brockway Milk Tanker Truck
Pasteurized Milk – 143 degrees for 29 minutes
HTST Pasteurized 161 for 15 seconds
Shamrock Farms, Chandler Arizona
Mt. Ascutney, Vermont
Rutland, Vermont
Motorola HT-200 Portable Radio
Motorola HT-220 Portable Radio
Chasing DX
QSL Card
20 Meter Attic Dipole Antenna
LogBook of the World
QRZ.com Logbook
Ham Radio Deluxe Logging
Club Log
QSL Bureau
CAT Rig Control Amateur Radio
WSJTX Software with CAT Control
Gigaparts Chat Expert
Arkansas DX Association
North Central Amateur Radio Service
ARRL Field Day
Harding University Amateur Radio Club, Searcy, AK
Hams over IP
Vermont Air National Guard
Yaesu FTDX3000 HF Transceiver
JK Navassa Antenna
ADDXCC Fan Dipole
Green Mountain Boys, Vermont Air National Guard
DX Hog Award, Arkansas DX Association
Chiweenie – Chihuahua Doxie Mix

Greatest Challenge:  We are aging out, and competition for our time. 

Advice: make antennas your significant investment. 

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K1LEC First Mobile Rig

Gonset Communicator 3 on 6 Meters

Yaesu FTDX-3000 HF Transceiver

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