LDG IT-100 Antenna Tuner

Item working just fine was on an ICom718

LDG Electronics IT-100 Automatic Antenna Tuners

LDG Electronics IT-100 Automatic Antenna Tuners are the ideal tuners for your ICOM radio. They will match up to a 10:1 SWR (3:1 on 6 meters), so just about anything you can feed with coax is good to go.

They also have 2,000 memories–enough for every DXpedition, RTTY spot, and radio buddy you’ve got. Just hit the tune button on the radio, and your IT-100 will set tuner parameters in less than a second if you’ve been there before. If not, the tuner kicks off a full tuning cycle that will be over in about 3 seconds.

$25 for shipping -well boxed.

IT-100 ATUs weigh only 1.5 lbs. and get their DC power directly from the radio, so no separate power supply is required. IT-100 tuners work with any ICOM radio that supports AH-3 or AH-4 ICOM antenna tuners. Including; IC-7000, IC-7100, IC-7200, IC-7300, IC-706MkIIG, IC-718, IC-746, IC-756ProIII and all others that are AH-4 compatible.

The post LDG IT-100 Antenna Tuner first appeared on Hamshack.

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