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Episode 454 – Bob Hopkins – WB2UDC

Bob Hopkins, WB2UDC, agrees that having an elmer was the fastest way to ham radio success, and being an elmer and paying it forward benefits everyone including the elmer, the new ham, and the hobby.  WB2UDC loves to make large public demonstrations for kids by making contacts to the ISS, the International Space Station, and the US Space Shuttles when they were flying.  This reprise of my conversation with Bob Hopkins, WB2UDC, from January 2016, is my QSO Today.


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Allied Knight-Kit receiver  

 “The Old Man” – is Bob’s reference to his father who wore this name with pride. 

First Elmer: Ed Miller, WA6OXE

Swan 240 Triband HF Transceiver

First License: 1962, Novice, WN6GOS
Upgrade to General Class: July 11, 1963.

First Rig:

Russ Farnsworth Morse Code Course

Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art? Bob is the Chief Technology Officer, of the school.

Mary Alestra, KB2IGG, former student and recipient of the Young Ham of the Year Award in 1990.  Now the Assistant Attorney General of the State of New York.

Carole Perry, WB2MGP – former guest of the QSO Today Podcast

Current Rig:

Don Lawshe, W2DL – Bob’s high school physics teacher and long time amateur radio Elmer.

Bob’s Tribute to W2DL:
A Mentor’s Story: Remembering Don Lawshe, W2DL. By Bob Hopkins, WB2UDC.  CQ Magazine, September 2015.  Page 28

Dayton Hamventon

NASA Space Shuttle Missions discussed in this podcast:

Straight Key Century Club?

Heathkit HW-30 Two’er – also known as the “Benton Harbor Lunchbox”.  2 meter AM portable.

Advice to new or returning hams: Make 100 contacts.  

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Heathkit DX-40 Novice Transmitter
Heathkit HR-10 Receiver
Elecraft KX3 Transceiver with PX3 Panadapter
Heathkit SB-102 HF Transceiver
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