– RF News & Info


Episode 433 – Paul Simmonds – VK5PAS

Paul Simmonds, VK5PAS, now a retired South Australia Police detective, is a relatively new ham, along with his wife, Marija, VK5MAZ. They have taken the hobby to new heights by operating in the great outdoors of South Australia, participating in  WWFF, SOTA, POTA, and other outdoor amateur radio operating events.  He collects certificates, QSL cards, and new friends, around the World, in pursuit of amateur radio.  VK5PAS is my QSO Today. ​


Our Listener Sponsors

The total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014 are listed below, and only those who agreed to be publicly recognized. This list does not include “Buy Me A Coffee” donations.

VK5PAS Amateur Radio, Shortwave Listening
Paul Simmonds VK5PAS Blog

XYL: Marija VK5MAZ

First License:  2010, Foundation, 2011 Standard License

Favorite Operating Modes:  SSB on 20, 40, 80 meters

QSL Manager – M0OXO

Current Rig: 

Yaesu FTdx101MP HF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-2000 HF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-1000 HF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-450 HF Transceiver
Kenwood TS-820S HF Transceiver
Kenwood TS-530S HF Transceiver
Icom IC-751 Hf Transceiver
Yaesu FTDX400 Transceiver
Yaesu FT-817ND All band QRP Transceiver
TET Emtron TE-53 5 element yagi @ 16 meters (51 feet). 
Rippletech 40m rotatable dipole @ 55 feet
Home brew 80m 1/2 wave dipole, inverted vee @ 50 feet at apex.

Shortwave Radio
Voice of America
AM – Amplitude Modulation
SSB – Single Sideband
Beat Frequency Oscillator
Using back to back AM Radios to listen to Single Sideband
Morse Code
Australian Police Academy
South Australia
Fleurieu Peninsula
Adelaide, South Australia
Koala Bear
Dorper Sheep – Self Fleecing Sheep
South Australia Police Major Crime Squad
Australian Bush Fire
Australia Amateur Radio Foundation License
SOTA – Summits on the Air Australia
WWFF-  World Wide Flora and Fauna, Australia Chapter
LIPO Batteries
Yaesu FT-857 All Band Transceiver
Linked Dipole Antenna
“Squid Pole”
Inverted V Antenna
WWFF Activators
WWFF Hunters
Parks and Peaks WWFF Spotting and Alerting
Radio Australia
SiOTA – Silos on the Air
Silo Art
Amateur Mills on the Air – MiOTA
ADIF Format LogBook
Wireless Institute of Australia
Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Club
ARRL Spectrum Defense
QSL Card
QSL Bureau 
Logbook of the World
Brochure:  Calling CQ
19KV Swer Line 
South Australia Wine Industry
Mclaren Vile
Tahbilk Winery
Barossa Valley

Excited most by: diversity of the hobby and the next things I could do. 

Advice to new or returning hams: Find someone you can confide in, a mentor to help you in the hobby.  There are no dumb questions. Join an “active” amateur radio club.  Find a niche in the hobby.​

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VK5PAS Operating From Norfolk Island in the Pacific
VK5PAS Operating Position
VK5PAS Shack from the Right Side
VK5PAS Vintage Rig Operating Position
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