“PLEASE NOTE: This updates and supersedes the policy discussion in the editorial of the September 2022 issue of CQ.
Sometimes, deadlines are your friends; sometimes not. This was a “not.” The deadline for the September issue of CQ arrived while spirited discussions were still taking place regarding possible updates to CQ’s policy regarding stations from Russia and Belarus competing in CQ contests. Since no agreement had been reached, it was decided to retain the policy as it had been since last spring. However, discussions continued and we have now agreed on several minor changes to the policy that will broaden participation in our contests while still joining with sporting federations around the world to condemn the invasion of Ukraine. The updated policy follows, which supersedes that published in the September issue of CQ. – The editors
1) Effective with the upcoming CQ WW RTTY DX contest on September 24-25, 2022, and all CQ contests going forward, we will resume accepting Russian/Belorussian log entries as regular logs, publish their scores and credit QSOs/points/multipliers in all related logs.
2) However, plaques will not be awarded to otherwise-eligible Russian/Belorussian stations. In the event that one of these stations has the top score in a given category, the plaque will be awarded to the top-scoring non-Russian/Belorussian entry in that category.
3) Online certificates will not be awarded to any Russian/Belorussian entry, either as a participant award or based on ranking.
4) CQ will identify partners with which to initiate a humanitarian program to support the people of Ukraine. This effort will occur either in collaboration with current activities or be entirely new. Details of this program will be announced as they develop.
5) Specifics of this policy are subject to future review as developments may warrant.”
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