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Episode 414 – Joe Long – WA2EJT

Joe Long, WA2EJT, has been a frequent contributor to ham radio magazines for decades including 73 and Electric Radio magazine.  Joe loves vintage military transmitters and receivers as well as the best tube type rigs.  Like many hams of his generation he was early into computers, PCs, and programming where his knowledge contributed to his career advancement and his enjoyment of amateur radio.  WA2EJT tells his story in this QSO Today. 


Our Listener Sponsors

This list is the total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014.  Only those who agreed to be publicly recognized are on the list below.  This list does not include “Buy Me A Coffee” donations.

Hometown: Binghamton, NY

First License:
WV2EJT, Age 14, Novice, 1959

Friend WV2EJS, Ron McClane, later W2VO

First Rig: 
Heathkit AR3 Receiver
Heathkit DX-20 Transmitter

Favorite Operating Mode: CW

Current Rig: to name a few
BC348 Receiver
Collins ART13 Transmitter 
BC610 Transmitter
uBitX40 QRP SSB Transceiver
Elecraft K3 HF Transceiver
Elecraft K2 HF Transceiver Kit
Tecsun P368 Portable SDR Receiver 

Encyclopedia – Book of Knowledge,  Early Radio
Fox Hole Radio – WW1
Blue Razor Blade Diode Detector
Naval Reserve Training Center Radio Operators
Industrial Arts Teacher
Binghamton University, BS, Chemistry
Dupont Corporation
IBM, Analytical Chemist
Hydrochloric Acid
Altair Computer
IMSAI Computer
Microsystems Magazine
Northstar Operating System
Kaypro Computer
Panasonic RF2200 Portable Radio
BFO, Beat Frequency Oscillator
Barlow Wadley XER30 Receiver, Wadley Loop
Yaesu FRG7 Receiver
73 Magazine
Electric Radio Magazine 
BC-454 Command Receiver
Boeing B29 Superfortress Bomber
ARC5 Navy Receivers
BC973 Direction Finding Set scroll down to see entry
SCR274 Radio Command Set
Dynamotor Power Supply
BC-1206 WW2 Beacon Radio Receiver
ART13 Collins Transmitter used on B29
Collins Autotune Mechanism
Binghamton Flood 2011
Drake SSR1 Wadley Loop Receiver
Johnson City Flood
Estas Auctions Radio Auction
Ameco AC-1 Kit
Get the new kit from the “The New Ameco
OMRN Old Military Radio Net  – Frequency 3885 AM, Saturday 0430 EST
Lampkin 105B Frequency Meter 
Model BC221 Frequency Meter
Harry Wells, W6LYC (SK) – one of Eric’s elmers
Machinist Micrometer
Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver
Antique Wireless Association
Motorola Cellular Telephone History

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: we are aging, need more kids.

Excited most by: Clubs that have programs that interest kids. 

Advice to new or returning hams: Get out and try HF instead of two meters and repeaters.

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WA2EJT Shack Picture
WA2EJT Rest of Shack Picture
BC-222 Transceiver
BC-973 Crossed Loop Direction Finding Set​
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