Android SDR App
- SDR MUST be plugged in before starting SDR++ and you MUST press refresh in the SDR source you’re using before pressing play if you first plugged in the SDR or unplugged/replugged, otherwise expect a crash. The USB handling still needs some work.
- There are still a few UI glitches
- There is no easy way to select a path for recording or file for playback
- The audio sink on Android may have higher latency
- All menus sometimes close when app goes in the background.
- Resizing the menu and/or waterfall is kinda fiddly, be precise when trying to grab the resize bar!!!
- At some size menu sizes, the app crashes. If this happens, start in landscape
- On Samsung devices, the keyboard doesn’t always work for some obscure reason…
- Android 9.0
- OpenGL 2.1
Since phones usually have a high screen resolution, set the DPI scaling in the Display menu or you’ll have a hard time using the app.
Current Device/Protocol Support:
- Airspy
- Airspy HF+
- HackRF
- PlutoSDR (network only)
- RFspace
- SDR++ Server
- SpyServer
In any case, I’d love to get some feedback on it, so feel free to try it out and let me know!
Download Here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z2HPG8RQt8QXsznAq85oewb6TI1lKaL3/view?usp=sharing
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