Perseus22 is a 4 channels, direct sampling receiver with a continuous frequency coverage from 10 KHz to 225 MHz and a typical image rejection larger than 70 dB.
All channels are synchronously sampled by an high SNR, 14 bits A/D converter and processed by a software defined digital down converter, implemented on an FPGA, which outputs are routed to the host PC by a USB 3.0 controller, allowing wide-bandwidth IF applications.
The frequency coverage is split-up in 2 groups of channels (two for VLF-HF frequency range, the others for VHF), each one capable of diversity, which can reduce noise in order of tens dB. All channels includes an analog RF frontend equipped with attenuators, preselection filters and amplifiers.
The receiver enclosure is machined from solid aluminium and finished with a fine, non reflecting, black surface treatment.
Perseus22 is a 4 channels, direct sampling receiver with a continuous frequency coverage from 10 KHz to 225 MHz and a typical image rejection larger than 70 dB.
All channels are synchronously sampled by an high SNR, 14 bits A/D converter and processed by a software defined digital down converter, implemented on an FPGA, which outputs are routed to the host PC by a USB 3.0 controller, allowing wide-bandwidth IF applications.
The frequency coverage is split-up in 2 groups of channels (two for VLF-HF frequency range, the others for VHF), each one capable of diversity, which can reduce noise in order of tens dB. All channels includes an analog RF frontend equipped with attenuators, preselection filters and amplifiers.
The receiver enclosure is machined from solid aluminium and finished with a fine, non reflecting, black surface treatment.
PERSEUS features the highest level of reception, ideal for shortwave, with exceptional bandwidth monitoring capabilities.
The analog front end has been carefully designed for the most demanding users and includes a 0-30 dB attenuator in 10 dB steps, a 10-band preselector and a high-dynamics preamp with a top-of-the-range cut-off point that exceeds 30 dBm. The resulting dynamics are greater than 100dB in SSB and 105dB in CW.
The PERSEUS receiver can also be used in broadband mode as a spectrum analyzer with a 10 KHz – 40 MHz band and a dynamic range of over 100 dB.
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