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Episode 378 – Pablo Lewin – WA6RSV

Pablo Lewin, WA6RSV, has an interest in radio astronomy and scans the heavens with his hydrogen line radio telescope using an SDR or software defined radio.  Pablo had an interesting aviation career where amateur radio weaved in and out of it since the late seventies.  Now in aviation retirement, he does stand up  comedy and creates content for the film and television industry.  WA6RSV tells his amateur radio story in this QSO Today.

Youtube Channel
Pablo Lewin iMDB
Building your first fully functioning Hydrogen Line Radio Telescope Presented By: Pablo Lewin WA6RSV

Hometown: Buenos Aires, Argentina
First License: 1974, Age 14, LU4CAR

Novice Rig:
6DQ6 Novice Transmitter
BC454 Receiver

Current Rigs: 
Yaesu FT-991 HF Transceiver
Kenwood TS-2000 Transceiver
Kenwood TS-450 Transceiver
Swan Transceiver
Hammarlund HQ-110 Receiver
Inverted V Antenna
G5RV Antenna
6 meter 5 element Beam
Key65 Foxlab Keyboard
TH6DXX Beam Antenna
2.1 Meter Dish Antenna 

Favorite operating mode:  FT8 Digital Mode

QTH: South Gate, California

Mentor: Reed Craven WB6BFK

San Gabriel Valley Airport, Elmonte, CA
Certified Flight Instructor
Mt. San Antonio College
AS Degree
Cal State Los Angeles
“10 Freeway” – San Bernardino Freeway
Heathkit “Single Bander” Transceiver 20 Meters
Clay Lacy Aviation, Van Nuys
LearJet 24
Cessna Citation Jet
TWA – Trans World Airlines
John McEnrow, Tennis Champion
Zachtek Desktop WSPR Transmitter
Wspr-RX from Zachtek
EME – Earth Moon Earth Communications
14” Optical Telescope
NASA Exoplanet Contributor
Minor Planet Center
Hydrogen Line Frequency: 
Stellarium Astronomy Software
Karl Jansky,  Bell Labs
Society for Amateur Radio Astronomers
RTL-STR Dongle
SDR Sharp Software
IF Plug-in Down Converter
3.8 CM antenna element 
LNA Nooelec 1.420 Ghz
Elecraft KX2 QRP HF Transceiver
Irwin Allen Time Tunnel
MFJ Antenna Analyzer
Simpson 260 Multimeter

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now:  getting kids into ham radio – find a new algorithm/.  We could be more welcoming.  

Advice to new or returning hams: Get on FT-8, WSPR, and CW.  

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Yaesu FT-991A HF Transceiver
6DQ6 Novice Transmitter
BC-454 Receiver
Zachtek WSPR Transmitter
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