Episode 366 – James Condon – AD4YM

Jim Condon, AD4YM, listens for the most rare DX, signals from outer space as a radio astronomer, and keeps his fingers in the gear by collecting and restoring the best ham radio boat anchors, including Collins, Drake, Hallicrafters, and Hammarlund.  AD4YM is my QSO Today.

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AD4YM Ham Shack Pictures
Hammarlund HQ-140X receiver, Heathkit VF-1 VFO, DX-40 transmitter, Collins 30L-1 linear amplifier,  KWM2-A transceiver, Collins 75S-3B receiver, Collins 32S-3 transmitter, and Collins 312-B4 station control
Palstar DL2K dummy load and Millen Type 92200 transmatch, Yaesu G1000-SDX rotator control,  MFJ-986 antenna tuner, and  Collins 30S-1 amplifier
Drake RV-4C remote VFOs, Drake TR-4C and TR-4Cw transceivers
Hammarlund HQ-180AX receiver and Johnson Ranger II transmitter

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