– RF News & Info


Episode 355 – Frank Kollins – WA9CWX

Frank Kollins, WA9CWX, loves to operate CW from multiple operating positions, from restored vintage to the most modern rigs.  Frank is a student and teacher of radio history from its very ether-like beginnings, to radio’s evolution through World War 2. WA9CWX has an amazing Morse key collection and is my QSO Today. 

L is Carol, N9XKZ
Hometown: Chicago, IL

Novice Rig:  Heathkit Twoer
General Class:  Age 15
CW Code Speed = 30 WPM

Novice Rig: 
Heathkit HW-30 Twoer

Other Rigs: 
Globe VHF Hi-Bander – 6 and 2 meters
Vintage Lincoln CB Transceiver
Vintage Grundig R100 Receiver
Hallicrafters S-40 Receiver
EF Johnson Challenger Transmitter

Current Rig:
RL Drake B Line
RL Drake C Line
Drake TR7 HF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-One
Yaesu FT-1000 HF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-5000 HF Transceiver
Drake 2NT CW Transmitter
Drake 2B Receiver
Drake 4 line
National NC300 Receiver

Zenith Floor Radio
Big Beyond, Chicago
CB Radio
Elmwood Park, IL
Allied Radio Ocean Hopper
2 Meter AM Mode
Private Pilot Flying Ground School
Incentive Amateur Radio Licensing
Private Pilot Written Test
E6B Flight Calculator
3rd Class Commercial Radiotelegraph License
WCLM FM Station
3rd Class Radiotelephone License
Northeastern University, Physchology
Motorola Schaumburg, IL
Chiropractic Medicine
Chiropractic Board Exams
Gotham 20 Meter Beam
GE Preprog Mobile Radio 
160 Meter CW Contest
2 Element 5 Band Quad Antenna
FT8 Digital Mode
Four Square Vertical Antennas
Beverage Antenna
Collection of Morse Code Keys
Mcelroy Morse Code Key
Begali HST Mark III Single Paddle Key
QRQ Operators
Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search of Scientific Proof of Life After Death, by Deborah Blum
Hertz’ Ether
Paranormal Studies
Long Wave Radio
Spark Gap Radio
200 Meters and Down: The Story of Amateur Radio, by Clinton Desoto
K9YA Telegraph Magazine
GRC9 Radio
Hammarlund HQ-129X Receiver Restored
“Character is defined as what you do”

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now:  lack of magic in today’s technology of communicating.  

Advice to new or returning hams: Find our own niche that actually excites you where you will contribute the most. 

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Heathkit HW-30 “Twoer” VHF AM Portable
Hallicrafters S-40B Receiver
Drake 2B Receiver
Yaesu FT-1000MP HF Transceiver
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