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Episode 350 – Larry Tyree – N6TR

Larry Tyree, or “Tree”, as he is known in amateur radio circles, loves to operate contests, work DX on 160 meters, from his 28 hilltop acres in the Oregon forest, near Portland.  Tree is a serious CW operator, where good antenna design, focus, skill, and patience bring the amateur radio rewards.  Tree tells his ham radio story in this QSO Today. ​

Hometown: Canoga Park, California

First Shortwave Receiver:  Hallicrafters S120
First License: Age 13, Novice, WN6ZVC,  WB6ZVC

First Rig:
1 watt borrowed transmitter 80 meters
ARRL Handbook 1967
1625 Vacuum Tube Final Amplifier

Heathkit SB101 HF Transceiver

Current Rig: 
Elecraft K3 HF Transceiver, 2 rigs
Ten-Tec Titan HF Amplifier
Johnson Viking Valiant II Transmitter 
Collins 75A2 General Coverage Receiver
4 Element 40 Meter Beam 
Hi-Z Vertical Antenna Array

Favorite Contest:  NCJ CW Sprint

Favorite Operating Mode: CW 

Tree received the, Dayton Ham of the Year Award, 2003

Favorite Logging Software: TR Log (N6TR) 

WWV – Time Clock
Radio Cuba
Morse Code
Sandy’s Electronics, Canoga Park, California – established in the early 1960, was Eric and Larry’s go to electronic parts store. 
CB Radio
Johnson Ranger 2 Transmitter
Hallicrafters HQ-180  Receiver
ARRL National Traffic System
Cal-State Northridge, BSEE Electrical Engineering
160 Meter Beverage Antenna
TDR – Time Domain Reflectometer
Rocketdyne Corporation
JPL – Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Top Band Disease,  by Larry Tyree, N6TR
SO2R – Single Operator Two Radio
ARRL Sweepstakes Contest
CW Sprint QSY Rule
Linux Mint 
CT Logging Program
W9CF TR Log in in Linux
“The Magic of Radio is  between the headphones”
ARRL Kid’s Day, 1997
Boring Amateur Radio Club
Professional Tower Climber Safety Rules
A73A Qatar DXpedition, 2009 
Kenwood TS430 HF Transceiver
Mellish Reef DXpedition, 2014
N6TR Radio Beacon 432 and 2 Meters
Icom IC-706 HF Transceiver
Reverse Beacon Network
Propitch Antenna Rotator
Pulse Width Modulation 

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now:  finding the time and space to mentor new hams

Advice to new or returning hams: look for the things that you think are fun that would give you enjoyment. 

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Collins 75A2 General Coverage Receiver
EF Johnson Viking II Transmitter
Elecraft K3 HF Transceiver
Kenwood TS-430S HF Transceiver
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