This week Gary gives us an overview of the new RF Explorer Field Strength EMF Licence Add-On. We also demonstrate the RF Explorer WSUB1G+ Spectrum Analyser and Signal Generator Combo.
- Internal LNA amplifier and selectable attenuator
- Low frequency support from 50KHz covering LF, MF, HF, VHF and UHF up to 960Mhz
- New HELP and SET buttons to improve user interface and configuration selection with 2-clicks
- Wide band coverage to all popular sub-1Ghz bands, including FM, TV and DTV, ISM, RFID, GSM, etc.
- Ideal choice for HAM bands from 160meters to 33cm
- Pocket size and light weight
- Solid metal case
- Spectrum Analyzer mode with Peak Max and Hold, Normal, Overwrite and Averaging modes
- High capacity internal Lithium battery for 20hs+ of continuous run, rechargeable by USB
- Multi-platform Windows/Linux/MacOS Open Source software and API libraries
- Can be extended with internal Expansion Modules for additional band and functionality
- Frequency band: 0.05 – 960MHz
- Frequency span: 0.1 – 960MHz
- Internal selectable LNA 25dB gain
- Internal selectable Attenuator 30dB
- Graphics LCD 128×64 pixels, great visibility outdoors
- Support included for Windows, Linux and MacOS X
- Backlight for great visibility indoor
- Internal Lithium Ion 1800mA/h rechargeable battery
- Standard SMA 50 ohms connector
- Wideband 144/433MHz dual band telescopic antenna included
- UHF 400-900MHz rubber duck articulated antenna included
- Amplitude resolution: 0.5dBm
- Dynamic range: -125dBm to 10dBm
- Absolute Max input power: +30dBm
- Average noise level (typical LNA): -125dBm
- Frequency stability and accuracy (typical): +-10ppm
- Amplitude stability and accuracy (typical): +-2dBm
- Frequency resolution: 1Khz
- Resolution bandwidth (RBW): automatic 2.6Khz to 600Khz
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The post RF Explorer EMF Licence Demo appeared first on QRZ NOW – Ham Radio News.