– RF News & Info


Episode 335 – Clint Turner – KA7OEI

Clint Turner, KA7OEI, is an experimenter, builder, and operator on all bands and modes.  He shares his background in microwave communications, EME or Moonbounce, and his involvement in the Northern Utah Web SDR Project, an amazing on-line resource hams who want to listen to all of the low bands with waterfall display, at the same time.  KA7OEI is my QSO Today.

Clint’s Page
Clint’s Blog

Hometown: Bountiful, Utah

Mentor: Fred Dixon WA7YEV

First License: Age 14, 1982, Novice

Favorite Traditional Mode:  CW

First Rig:
Heathkit SW-717 Receiver
Heathkit SB-303 Receiver (borrowed)

First Fresnel Modulated Light System, May 1989
Mariana Chain Islands
Morse Code
Shortwave Listening
CHU Broadcast
HCJB Broadcast
5 Band 50 Watt Transmitter,  ARRL Handbook
Utah Amateur Radio Club
From 5 Watts To 1,000 Watts; A Programmed Course To Take You From CB To HAM Radio; Theory Test Question-Learn Code Quickly And Easily, Edited By Radio Shack’s Staff Of HAM Radio Operators 
General Class Amateur Radio License
Advanced Class Amateur Radio License
“The Knack” Dilbert
Tube Tester
Satellite Teleport
Synchronous Voting Receiver Repeater System
EME or Moonbounce
WSJT Modes
23 CM EME 
Gunnplexer Transceiver
CT MedFER Beacon
Part 15 AM Broadcast Band 100 MW 
Shannon’s Law
Alexander Graham Bell Photophone
High wattage LED
LED Based Communication Gear 
Yaesu FT-530 Handheld Transceiver
GPS Receiver
QRP ATS3A KD1JV Transceiver
Small Wonder Labs SDR Receiver
End Fed Half Wave Antenna
Wind River Range, Wyoming
Free Space Optical Communications
PA3FWM SDR Receiver
Northern Utah WebSDR Project
Omni Directional Log Periodic Antenna
Kiwi SDR Network
For Lightning Protection: Ground the Shield of the coax before it enters the house.
WebSDR Project
Peanut Butter Jar Antenna  
Lucky Dragon Incident  
Isle of Truk, now called the Chuuk Lagoon
Bikini Island Atoll Nuclear Tests
FCC Registered Amateur Radio Licenses by County – for email list update and cleanup

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: Curiosity and new hams afraid to fail and learn. 

Advice to new or returning hams: join a local club and more than one of them. 

Heathkit SW-717 Shortwave Receiver
Heathkit SB-303 Receiver
Steve Weber, KD1JV ATS-3A Sprint
​QRP Transceiver
KiwiSDR SDR Receiver for BeagleBone Black
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