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144 MHz signal from the Faroe Islands heard 3000kms away in Bulgaria during Geminid Meteor Shower – Dec 2020

Every year, the Geminid meteor shower peaks around the 14th of December and many VHF radio amateurs make contacts by bouncing signals off the meteor trails left behind. The maximum distance tends to be similar to Sporadic-E i.e. in the region of 2300 kms.

During this years Geminids, Stamen LZ1KU announced a suprise reception on 144 MHz of Jon OY9JD on the Faroe Islands, a distance of 3075 kms!



6 Meter Beam Antenna

6 Meter Beam Antenna

6 Meter Beam Antenna 1.5 KW Power Handling Capacity Transmits and receives in an uni-directional (one direction) pattern Horizontal and Vertical Polar… Read more




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