The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) will activate on Monday, November 16, at 1300 UTC, for Hurricane Iota, now a strong Category 1 storm. The HWN will begin operation on 14.325 MHz, remaining there for as long as propagation holds, then moving to 7.268 MHz.
Iota is expected to be a major hurricane by the time it makes landfall on the eastern coast of Central America, where it’s expected to bring potentially catastrophic winds, life-threatening storm surge, and extreme rainfall.
As of 1300 UTC, Hurricane Iota was some 170 miles east of Isla de Providencia, Columbia, and 315 miles east-southeast of the Nicaragua-Honduras border, with maximum sustained winds of 90 MPH, moving to the west at 9 MPH.
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) expects Iota to rapidly strengthen and possibly reach Category 4 with sustained winds of 140 MPH. The net invites observed ground-truth weather data from stations in the affected area, which are relayed to NHC forecasters.
The net remains available to provide back-up communication for official agencies such as emergency operations centers, Red Cross officials, and storm shelters in the affected area. The net also collects and forwards significant damage assessment data to FEMA officials at the NHC.
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