Episode 326 – Bob Weed – W7SCY

Bob Weed, W7SCY, was born and raised in the Oregon Cascade Mountains over eighty years ago.  In this retirement, Bob has returned home to an area that has always been subject to fire, mudslides, earthquakes, and active volcanoes.  W7SCY shares his seventy plus years as a radio amateur that includes his interest in traffic nets and emergency operations in his area,  in this QSO Today. 

First Mentor: Kay Cutler, W7DKJ, Radio Repair, Myrtle Beach OR
First License:  1951, Age 14, Novice Class License, WN7SCY
Upgrade to Conditional Class (General) as W7EUG, 1952  

Family members who are amateurs: 

  • Father was WN7TLQ, W7TLQ
  • Grandfather – was the oldest Novice in the USA, W7ZKJ
  • Brother: Roger Weed, K7AEF, KV4I
  • WIfe: Nora, KA7IZH,  N7CQC

Hometown: Myrtle Point, Oregon

Favorite Operating Mode:  SSB HF

Current Rig: 
Icom IC-746 Pro HF Transceiver 
Antenna Tuner
42 Foot Vertical Antenna –  Insulated Wire Up A Tree
Remote Antenna Tuner Under A Fake Rock
G5RV antenna
20 Meter Dipole Antenna
High Sierra Motorized Antenna
Two- Meter ⅝ Wave Antenna

 6AG7 Transmitter
AR213 Transmitter
ARC5   80 meters
Eimac Modulator Kit
Elmac A54
Gonset Commander
Gonset VFO Outboard
Heathkit Apache Transmitter
Heathkit SB10 Sideband Adapter
Sideband Engineers SBE34 Transceiver

Short Wave Band
Instructograph – morse code sender
General Class Amateur Radio License
6AG7 Transmitter
Fanstock Clip
Hallicrafters S-40B Receiver
Riverton Oregon, Farmer Ham, Cranberry Farm
Oregon State College
Heathkit HT1 Handy Tester
1955 Oregon Landslide
Oregon Emergency Net
W7SHA Mounted Rescue Effort
Grantham School of Electronics, Hollywood California
Radio Station KCRE, Crescent City, CA
Radio Station KGAL, Lebanon, Oregon
Johnson Viking 2 Transmitter as Broadcast Link
Gonset Commander
Governor’s Mansion, Salem, Oregon
Don Wellman, KGAL
Yaesu FT101 HF Transceiver
Dentron Clipperton Amplifier
Radio Station KCKC, San Bernardino, CA
High Desert Amateur Radio Group
Vibroplex Morse Code Bug
FT-8 Digital Mode
Oregon Emergency Net
Alaska Pacific Net
JCARES Hospital and Healthcare Net
Oregon ARES
Infinite Command System Protocol
Deschutes County Sheriff’s Department
Central Oregon Community College
Mt. St. Helens Volcano
Central Oregon DX Club
ARRL Field Day
QSO Party – 7QP
AMSAT Space Station
Owen Garriat, Astronaut

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: HOA is the biggest challenge

Excited most by: Emerging new systems like satellite radio. 

Advice to new or returning hams:  join a ham club, get on the air, and ask for help. 

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Heathkit Apache Transmitter
Sideband Engineers SBE34 HF Transceiver
Icom IC-746Pro HF Transceiver

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